by Erica Brennes Austin Mom Native Austinite Austin Traffic Anchor on KXAN

Hello and thanks for stopping by! I'm Erica, the morning traffic anchor on KXAN. I'm an Austin mom, a native Austinite and founder of Real Mom, Real Tired. I started my blog so I'd have a place to share my life as an Austin mom, working and finding fun things to do with my family and products that make life a little easier.
Becoming a mom didn't come easy and that experience is something I think of every single day. Hopefully you never find yourself on a fertility journey you never expected to be on, but if you do struggle with fertility issues, please know you're not alone.
Another baby girl is joining our family in December 2023!
Catch me weekday mornings covering Austin traffic on KXAN, the NBC Affiliate in my hometown! It's an honor to help you with your morning commute around the Austin area.